Red Rose Dozen Bouquet

  • Red Rose Dozen Bouquet
  • Red Rose Dozen Bouquet
  • Red Rose Dozen Bouquet
  • Red Rose Dozen Bouquet
  • Red Rose Dozen Bouquet
  • Red Rose Dozen Bouquet
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Red Rose Dozen Bouquet

A valentines classic of a beautiful dozen (12) red roses. A variety as picked by our florists for the finest 12 stems to create a romantic handtie bouquet with complimenting gypsophila and foliages.

Arranged as a hand tied bouquet within a water bubble and box, matching wrap and ribbons to compliment for the perfect finishing touches.


*Please use the photos as a guide only, our florists will pick 12 of the finest red rose stems from our fresh delivery for valentines day to create you the perfect bouquet.


(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).

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